Exploring Jasmine’s Custom Asymmetric Equality Tester

Ilya Kaminsky
The Academy
Published in
2 min readNov 26, 2016


There’s a hidden gem in the Jasmine testing framework called asymmetricMatch. Since I could not find it being mentioned anywhere on the blogosphere, I have decided that it deserves a dedicated post of its own.

The asymmetric equality tester allows us to test any custom expectation at a later time. To illustrate this point, I have combined three test scenarios in a single project on GitHub. Feel free to clone the entire repository and to follow along.

Angular-Foundation Modal Resolver

When opening modals with Angular-Foundation, the docs specify that each resolved item needs to be defined using a function that returns a value. In order to avoid holes in the test coverage report, I used to resort to mocking the $modalProvider in its entirety. However, that would result in having huge spec files that would needlessly test a big chunk of the Angular-Foundation module.

With Jasmine’s asymmeticMatch function, it is easy to only test the code that matters most. Here’s how:

Notice that with this setup, the `valueTester` is not being called until `resolve.value()` is invoked.

Angular UI-Router State Resolver

Similarly to the modal resolver above, the Angular UI-Router also resolves values asynchronously via a resolve function. The added complexity here is that it all happens within the configuration block, meaning that we also have to inject a mock provider. In fact, Nikas Praninskas wrote an excellent tutorial on how to unit test the UI-Router resolve method. By using the asymmetric equality tester, I argue that it’s possible to achieve the same result with a lot less boilerplate code. Take a look at the following Gist:

We are not limited to a hard-coded `'user_id'` string. By injecting `ngResource`, it is possible to test the resource resolution of the desired state or view.

ngRoute Route Resolver

Since the ngRoute module closely resembles the previous example, I have included it below as well. Here’s what testing its resolve function would look like when combined with asymmetricMatch:

As with the previous example, here too we can spy on other dependencies just as well.

Have you used Jasmine’s asymmetricMatch in other scenarios? Please share your experience in the comments section below. Pull requests are welcome.

